Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"The Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary was established in 1989 to protect and preserve the..." Read More

Based on this, some ways in which preserving biodiversity locally will preserve it on a more global scale could be using less paper and killing less trees. This will prevent deforestation and save habitats of animals that would otherwise have been nearly killed off. Habitat destruction and loss of species created somewhat of a Butterfly Effect. One species dies off and then another one goes hungry and dies off too. This causes more and more species to die out until the whole ecosystem falls apart. This isn't even the worst case scenario. The worst would be an animal that isn't the bottom of the food chain dieing out, and then overpopulation of smaller animals would ravage the ecosystem. If you preserve biodiversity in the population of cows, then maybe it will result in a surplus of beef and beef jerky.

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